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AI consulting services for the champions of tomorrow

Start your AI journey today

We help organizations in adopting AI to unlock efficiency, embrace innovation and drive growth.



At Whitehat, we offer comprehensive AI consulting services tailored to your business needs. Our expert team specializes in AI strategy consulting, helping you navigate the complex landscape of artificial intelligence implementation.

do you want to get started with ai in your organization?

Many businesses want to implement AI, but don't know where to start.
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, AI is no longer a futuristic concept—it's a critical tool for staying competitive and driving growth. However, many organizations face significant challenges when it comes to adopting and implementing AI effectively. From lack of understanding to difficulty assessing impact and developing a clear strategy, businesses often struggle to harness the full potential of this transformative technology.
The most typical challenges businesses face include:
Lack of AI expertise - Many organizations don't have enough in-house expertise to effectively get started.
No strategy and vision - A lack of direction and strategic guidance causes scattered efforts and little business impact.
Unclear impact assessment - Without a clear understanding of uses cases and value gains, businesses struggle to invest into the right efforts.
Ethical and regulatory concerns - Navigating ethical and regulatory challenges is key to implement AI successfully on the long term.
Resistance to change - Without a clear change management plan, AI adoption will be slow and not lead to the desired outcomes.

Welcome to our AI Excellence Program

This is why we created our AI Excellence Program. Through our comprehensive AI Education and AI Implementation modules, our AI consultancy and training empower businesses to overcome common AI adoption challenges and become industry leaders.

AI Education Module

Empower your organization with the knowledge and strategy needed to navigate the AI landscape and make informed decisions about AI adoption.

AI Implementation Module

Receive end-to-end support to seamlessly integrate AI into your operations, driving efficiency and maximizing business impact in your daily operations.

There are only 3 types of businesses in the ai future

Which one are you?

AI Native

AI Native businesses are built from the ground up with AI as their core, making them more efficient and innovative than traditional competitors.

These businesses can achieve what traditional companies do with significantly fewer resources. AI-enabled businesses can achieve with a team of 25 what would have taken a team of 100 five years ago.

With the increasing amount of new fully AI-driven companies emerging, traditional businesses must act now stay competitive.

AI Emergent

AI Emergent businesses are established organizations evolving to integrate AI across their operations. A recent Microsoft and LinkedIn study found that 75% of employees are already using AI at work, while only 22% of organizations have generative AI policies in place.

Emergent organizations are now challenged develop the right approach in adopting AI, enabling their teams to be more productive and putting the right policies into place for future-proof operations and security.



Obsolet businesses are organizations failing to adapt to the AI revolution.

The recent "State of Marketing AI Report" states that that 78% of respondents' employers do not have internal AI-focused education or training while an Accenture study found that 94% of workers want to learn new skills to work with generative AI, but only 5% of organizations provide AI training at scale.

This poses a massive risk for organizations to fall behind and lose competitive advantage within the next 12-18 months.

the top 10 reasons why your business might become obsolete

Lack of AI literacy and understanding

Many organizations struggle with a fundamental lack of AI knowledge among their employees and leadership. This knowledge gap makes it difficult to identify AI opportunities, understand its potential impacts, and make informed decisions about AI adoption. Without a baseline understanding of AI capabilities and limitations, companies risk either overlooking valuable opportunities or making poor investments in AI technologies.

Absence of strategy and roadmap

Many companies approach AI adoption in an ad-hoc manner, without a clear strategy or roadmap. This lack of direction can lead to scattered, ineffective efforts, wasted resources, and missed opportunities. A comprehensive AI strategy and roadmap are crucial for aligning AI initiatives with business goals and ensuring a coordinated, effective approach to AI adoption.

Ethical and responsible use concerns

As AI becomes more prevalent, concerns about its ethical implications and responsible use are growing. Issues such as bias in AI algorithms, privacy concerns, and the potential for AI to displace human workers are becoming increasingly important. Organizations need to navigate these complex ethical issues to ensure their AI use aligns with societal values and maintains stakeholder trust.

Difficulty assessing impact

Many companies struggle to accurately assess how AI will impact their workforce, customers, products, and services. This difficulty in impact assessment can lead to unexpected consequences and challenges in managing change. Proper impact assessment is crucial for preparing the organization for AI-driven changes and maximizing the benefits of AI adoption.

Lack of governance

Without proper governance structures for AI initiatives, organizations risk inconsistent approaches, duplicated efforts, and potential misuse of AI technologies. Effective AI governance is essential for ensuring responsible use, maintaining oversight, and aligning AI initiatives with organizational goals and values.

Ad-hoc adoption without coordination

AI adoption often happens in silos within organizations, leading to inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and missed opportunities for synergy. This lack of coordination can result in redundant efforts, incompatible systems, and a failure to leverage AI's full potential across the organization.

Uncertainty about use cases

Many companies struggle to identify the most valuable and appropriate use cases for AI within their specific context. This uncertainty can lead to either inaction or poorly chosen AI initiatives that fail to deliver value. Identifying the right use cases is crucial for demonstrating AI's value and building momentum for wider adoption.

Fear and resistance to change

The prospect of AI adoption often generates fear and resistance among employees, who may be concerned about job displacement or significant changes to their roles. This resistance can slow down or derail AI initiatives if not properly addressed. Managing this change and addressing employee concerns is crucial for successful AI adoption.

Lack of long-term vision

Many organizations focus solely on short-term efficiency gains from AI, missing opportunities for more transformative, long-term impacts. Without a long-term vision for AI's role in the organization, companies risk falling behind more forward-thinking competitors and failing to fully leverage AI's potential for innovation and growth.

Difficulty keeping up with rapid advancements

AI technology is advancing at a rapid pace, making it challenging for organizations to stay current. This rapid evolution can lead to decision paralysis or investments in soon-to-be-outdated technologies. Staying informed about AI advancements and maintaining flexibility in AI strategies is crucial for long-term success in AI adoption.

How Our AI Consulting Services Drive your Business Transformation

Our AI Excellence Program is designed to help companies embrace and implement AI fast. It offers a comprehensive, structured approach to addressing key challenges in AI adoption and scaling. Through a series of AI Education and AI Implementation modules, we provide organizations with everything they need to become ready for the AI future.

Our framework helps companies with

Building AI literacy across their employee base

Developing their own AI strategy and roadmap to maximize business impact

Ensuring ethical use of AI and comply with regulations

Assessing business impact and guiding investment decisions

Establishing governance and developing AI maturity

Coordination AI adoption efforts throughout the organization to minimize friction

Developing relevant use cases for AI adoption and scaling

Managing change to maximize AI usage and adoption

Crafting a long-term vision for the business to stay competitive

Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and AI advancements


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hansenbeck logo
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Our AI Excellence Program in detail

To provide you with exactly what you need our AI Excellence Program consists of two modules.

AI Education Module

Enable your organization for the AI business landscape of tomorrow.

In today's fast-paced environment, adopting AI is crucial to stay competitive. Our AI Education Module offers a comprehensive approach to help you develop an AI strategy, determine business impact and enable your organization.

What you will get:

  • AI Readiness Assessment: Evaluate your current AI capabilities and identify opportunities.
  • AI Strategy Development: Craft a visionary AI strategy, establish governance, and develop ethical guidelines.
  • AI Education Program: Build an internal AI Academy to empower your team with essential AI skills.
  • AI Impact Analysis: Understand AI's effects on your talent, products, customers, and industry.
  • AI Roadmap Creation: Develop an actionable plan to implement AI initiatives and drive innovation.

The AI Education Module combines expert guidance with a human-centered approach, ensuring your AI adoption is both successful and responsible. Let us help you become an AI-forward leader in your industry.

Education Module Square
Implementation Module Square

AI Implementation Module

Embed AI into the core of your business operations.

Transformation happens, when existing processes are radically innovated. Our end-to-end AI Implementation Module combines our proven approach for education and enablement with hands-on implementation services to innovate processes, drive productivity gains and maximize business impact .

What you will get:

  • Everything from the AI Education Module
  • Implementation Support - Our experts work alongside your team to:
    • Execute high-priority AI projects
    • Integrate AI tools and workflows
    • Provide ongoing technical guidance
  • AI Documentation - Together, we build a comprehensive, company-wide AI playbook, including:

Our AI Implementation Module doesn't just show you the path—it walks with you every step of the way, ensuring your AI transformation is thorough, impactful, and sustainable.

Why is this relevant?

of employees use unapproved generative AI tools at work
is the average employee output increased by the use of AI
of companies do not have AI-focused training in place

Join the 43% seeing increased productivity - Start Your AI Journey


AI Education Module

For companies who want to build their strategy but will implement themselves.

* On request

per month for a typical 3 months period

  • AI Readiness Assessment
  • AI Strategy Development
  • AI Education Program
  • AI Impact Analysis
  • AI Roadmap Creation
Book Free Consultation

AI Implementation Module

For companies who want to do it all - from strategy to implementation.

* On request

  • Complete AI Education Module
  • Implementation Services
  • AI Documentation & Knowledge Hub
Book Free Consultation


We are a team of AI enthusiasts and senior marketing professionals with more than 30 years combined industry experience.

Tim Ranke

  • 10-year career in marketing and sales
    leadership in international SaaS businesses
  • Managed software go-to-markets with up
    to € 10 million ARR
  • Successfully implemented Salesforce
    solutions to scale marketing and sales
  • Founded his consultancy firm, advising
    on marketing, sales, and go-to-market

Clwyd Probert

  • Seasoned digital marketing consultant with a successful exit
  • Founded Whitehat, a HubSpot Diamond
  • 20+ years in London and New York, Clwyd
    with a global perspective on AI-driven
  • Background in enterprise CRM, tech startups,
    and raising £4M in venture capital
Peter Vogel Partner III (1)

Peter Vogel

  • 7-year career in SEO, content creation,
    web design, and paid advertising.
  • Managed paid ads accounts with monthly
    budgets over €2 million.
  • Specialized in optimizing online presence
    using HubSpot and WordPress.
  • Founder of peppereffect, focusing on
    SEO, compelling content, and user-friendly
    web design.


How long does the entire process typically take, and can it be customized or accelerated for our specific needs?

The Scale AI Process is designed to be both thorough and efficient. On average, the AI education phase takes approximately 3 months, ensuring a solid foundation of AI literacy across your organization. Following this, the implementation phase typically ranges from 1 to 3 additional months, depending on the complexity of your business and the scope of AI integration.

It's important to note that our process is highly customizable and tailored to each company's unique needs and pace. We understand that every organization has its own challenges, goals, and existing capabilities. Therefore, we work closely with you to adjust the timeline and focus areas to align with your specific objectives and resources. Whether you need to accelerate certain aspects or dive deeper into particular areas, we're flexible in our approach to ensure you get the most value from the process in a timeframe that works for your business.

How do you ensure the security of our data during this process? Are you compliant with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)?

Data security is one of our top priorities throughout the Scale AI Process. We understand the critical importance of protecting your sensitive information, especially when dealing with AI technologies.

Yes, we are fully compliant with relevant data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Our processes and systems are designed with these regulations in mind to ensure that your data is handled in accordance with the highest standards of privacy and security.

How do you handle potential resistance from employees? What strategies do you use to ensure organization-wide adoption?

We address employee resistance and ensure organization-wide adoption through a comprehensive, human-centered approach. Our Scale AI Process integrates education, transparent communication, and active involvement to transform potential resistance into enthusiasm for AI.

At the core of our strategy is the AI Academy, which provides tailored learning journeys to boost AI literacy across all levels of your organization. We complement this with clear, ongoing communication about the AI transformation process, its benefits, and its impact on roles.

To foster buy-in, we encourage the formation of an AI Council with representatives from various departments and implement quick-win projects to demonstrate tangible benefits early in the process. Our approach emphasizes how AI augments human capabilities, making jobs more efficient and interesting rather than threatening job security.

We also provide robust change management support, guiding your leadership team in addressing concerns and showcasing positive impacts. By combining these strategies, we create a culture where AI is seen as a powerful tool that empowers employees and drives innovation, ensuring a smooth and successful organization-wide adoption.

How do you measure the success of the AI transformation? Can you provide case studies or references from similar companies?

We measure the success of AI transformation through a comprehensive, tailored approach. This includes establishing specific KPIs aligned with your business objectives, conducting detailed AI impact assessments, calculating ROI for AI initiatives, gathering employee feedback, and tracking innovation metrics. These measures provide a holistic view of how AI is influencing various aspects of your business, from operational efficiency to employee satisfaction and innovation output.

While we maintain strict client confidentiality, we can share anonymized success stories that demonstrate the impact of our Scale AI Process across various industries. These typically showcase significant improvements, such as 30% increases in operational efficiency, 25% boosts in customer engagement, and 40% reductions in data processing time. We're happy to discuss these cases in more detail and explore how similar results might apply to your specific situation. With client permission, we can sometimes arrange reference calls with non-competing companies who have undergone similar transformations, providing you with valuable insights and assurance.

How scalable is this process as our company grows? Can it be rolled out in phases across different departments?

The Scale AI Process is highly scalable and flexible, designed to grow with your company. It can be easily rolled out in phases across different departments, allowing for targeted implementation and gradual expansion. We typically start with areas that can benefit most immediately from AI, using their success to drive wider adoption.

Our AI roadmap evolves with your company, accommodating new departments and changing priorities. The AI Council we establish oversees this growth, ensuring consistent strategy application while allowing for department-specific customization. Additionally, our AI Academy continuously upskills your workforce, easily incorporating new employees as you expand.

In essence, the Scale AI Process adapts to your organization's size and AI maturity, providing a framework that remains effective throughout your growth journey.